UPC Poland Selfcare

Product Design of Selfcare platform


UPC Selfcare. A self-service system for UPC Poland customers. Several Agile teams are working on it.

I would like to show a small piece I worked on while employed at UPC.

P.S. I worked on many other parts of the system, but this one seems interesting.

Business Problem

There were two primary business issues.

  • Reducing customer contact with the call centre, which was generating costs.
  • Enabling customers to terminate their contracts through a self-service system. (Result of new legal regulations in Poland)

There was also one main problem that we identified during in-depth interviews with users. UPC made it difficult to terminate services.



During my work at UPC Poland, we conducted weekly in-depth interviews with customers.

The results of the research, after being grouped and placed on the KANO model, were presented to the stakeholders.

One of the problems our customers faced was the difficult termination of their contracts with the company.

After collecting a sufficient amount of data, we began to develop possible solutions.


Lean UX Worksop

For me, the main tool for identifying problems, developing solutions and hypothesising is the Lean UX Canvas.

With its help, the team can define all the dependencies of a problem, as well as make hypotheses and suggest solutions.

The main hypothesis after the workshop:
We believe that we will achieve a reduction in contact with the call centre when we enable users to solve their contracts through a self-service system

Design Studio Workshop

At the time, Design Studio workshops were one of my primary tools for working with the scrum team.

During the day-long workshops we developed solutions that helped us verify our hypotheses.

The result of the workshop were mock-ups from which I could make the first prototype and test it with users.


I started with sketches on paper. The next stage was Hi-Fi mock-ups and a prototype in Figma, on which we conducted usability tests.

The initial screen of the process

Termination contract form

As you can see from the screens, the result was a simple form, the usability tests went well.

The form was implemented, customers were informed about the possibility to cancel via the website.

At first glance, everything looked good.

But at this stage no one could predict how the form would be used by UPC customers.


The result was surprising. 

On the one hand, the hypothesis that call centre traffic would decrease was correct.

On the other hand, UPC users started using the cancellation form to contact the company, which was not always related to cancellation, such as complaints, enquiries about the technical possibilities of installing the service, or… contract negotiations.

This generated a heavy workload in the departments which dealt with cancellations, complaints etc.

In short, we fixed one problem while generating three others…

Iteration 2

For the next sprint, I decided to approach the subject a little differently. 

I already knew exactly all the problems the organisation was experiencing with the launch of the service.

I also knew well the behaviour and intentions of the users.

The only thing left to do was to solve the problem by satisfying all the needs of the upc clients (not only contract termination)

Together with the team, I conducted another Design Studio workshop, this time focused on the problem of how to direct users to the appropriate service departments.

We developed a solution that involved directing the user through a series of questions that he/she had to answer.



Results after iteration 2

We have achieved our objective. The usability tests went well in this case too, but the most important thing was that users started to get where they wanted to go.

What was the biggest learning from this part of the work on UPC Self Care? Never assume that you know how users will use the software you design.

Last Word

P.S. I cannot provide Analytics and business outcomes data (NDA sorry :)). Also I cannot publish raw materials from Workshops on Miro, because of  sensitive business data used there.